Axl the Axolotl

Baja the Whale Shark

Chopper the Great White Shark

Clark and Coral the Caribbean Reef Sharks

Cortez the Green Turtle

Crystal the Florida Manatee

Finn the Oceanic Whitetip Shark

Fran the Sea Lion

Hudson the Bog Turtle

Hugh the Manatee

Kenai the Beluga Whale

Mia the Dolphin

North the Harp Seal

Ozzy the Orca

Rivero the Puerto Rican Crested Toad
Pearl the Spotted Eagle Ray
Pike the Otter

Rocket the Hammerhead Shark
Rosie the River Otter
Seymour the Walrus

Shelly the Sea Turtle

Sonny the Lemon Shark

Ted the Loggerhead Sea Turtle

Ward the Beaver