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For a comprehensive understanding of our terms and conditions, please refer to the complete list available here.
*If your account is closed or you switch to another product during the promotional period, you may no longer be eligible for this promotion. If you receive this offer, you will earn Elite Gold Status for spending three thousand dollars ($3,000) on purchases, less credits, returns and adjustments ("Net Purchases") made with your FRONTIER Airlines World Mastercard® in 90 days from activation of your credit card. The Elite Gold Status will be awarded 45 days after the 90-day promotional period.
Failure to maintain your creditworthiness during the offer period may result in actions on your account, such as a credit line decrease, that would reduce your ability to take advantage of this offer. To receive the Gold Status, your account must be open and in good standing at the time of fulfillment.
Any use of FRONTIER Miles™ or redemption of rewards are subject to the FRONTIER Miles™ terms and conditions. Redemption rewards seats are subject to availability and may change at any time without notice. Frontier Airlines reserves the right to change its FRONTIER Miles™ program and its terms and conditions at any time without notice. FRONTIER Miles™ account holder must be the same as the Barclays Bank account holder.
Additional fees and restrictions may apply.
The FRONTIER Airlines World Mastercard® is issued by Barclays Bank Delaware pursuant to a license from Mastercard International Incorporated. Mastercard, World Mastercard, World Elite Mastercard, and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.